Vocabulary Boosters Workbook 3
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Vocabulary Boosters 3 aims to help adult learners develop their vocabulary through reading passages written at an appropriate level. The workbook is organized around four themes: health, wildlife, the environment, and popular culture. Each lesson presents a non-fiction passage and a set of activities that relate to one of the four themes. The workbook activities can be completed independently, with a tutor, or with a group. Because repetition is essential for vocabulary development, each lesson presents five activities that focus on the new words. Added features include crossword puzzles, word searches, and a glossary. An answer key is located at the back of the book.
Additional Details:
Author: Susan Rogers
Fry Reading Level(s): 7, 8
Lexile Reading Level: 840L
CASAS Reading Level: C
Number Of Pages: 178 pages
ISBN: 978-1-894593-42-7
Free Downloads:
Chapter Sample: Sample Unit